Wednesday, April 6, 2016



Bridesmaids! by carinais featuring high heel shoes

If you want to shop from this post click on the "Bridesmaids!" link!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Full-Time Full Moon & Jaclyn Hill

Full-Time Full Moon & Jaclyn Hill
Trying To Make A Change | Late Night Thoughts

    This world is a scary beautiful thing and amazing things can happen but there are people who just tear you a new one. If you don't know who this beautiful person above is, her name is Jaclyn Hill. She is one of my FAVORITE makeup artists. She does her work so wonderfully and she has a huge heart, I feel like I know her. 

Monday, January 4, 2016

Adulthood Told by Frozen!

Carina Is..| Adulthood Told by Frozen

It's common knowledge that the movie Frozen is a very popular and well liked movie. Yes it was made for the younger kids but I feel that a lot of older people (17+) relate to a lot of the dialogue. I actually watched it again for the first time in a long time and I noticed that through a lot of it, I kept saying to myself, "Wow, I can totally relate" and "YESSSS! So true!" And this inspired me to create this post.

Friday, December 4, 2015

The Do's & Don'ts of Riding with Lyft!

The Do's & Don'ts of Riding with Lyft!

You know that app...? The one that's kind of like Uber..? Yea! That's the one!

Lyft is just like Uber, with a few things that are different, but it is the same concept. Lyft is awesome cause it's a pink mustache! HELLO! Okay so it's not the only reason it's awesome but it's a contributing factor. ;)

But back to the main reason you are reading this post. I am a part time driver with Lyft and these are the Do's and Don'ts for riding with Lyft.

**I mean I guess you don't have to follow them, but it would be very courteous and make the process smoother for both you and your driver! :)**

© Carina Is
Maira Gall